Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pay It Forward!

One of my dear friends had this on her blog. I wanted to support her in her desire to help others. So...I signed up! Here is how it works. Because I signed up with my friend she now has 365 days to make me a homemade gift and send it to me. I now return the love by doing the same thing for three people. So, if you are interested in participating leave me a comment and I will put you on my pay it forward list. If you sign up under me you will receive a handmade gift from yours truly within 365 days! You then do the same thing for three people. Sounds like a great way to spread some sunshine in the lives of others.


Janice said...

You are a true friend. I hope someone signs up under you. I'm excited for this pay check. I will be ordering my gift to make for you. I'm excited because it will give me something for my hands to do instead of wasting time on the computer.

Timalee said...

Janae I would love to do this.

Matt, Janae, Makenna, Emily & Ryan said...

Yeah!!!! I am so excited! You are the first person to sign up for this! So I will be thinking very hard of what I can make for you! What are the colors of you house?

Timalee said...

Warm colors; mostly red, yellow and some green. Now what do I need to do?

Matt, Janae, Makenna, Emily & Ryan said...


Do you have black accents in your house?
Now what you do is right click on the heart picture and save it. Then you post it on your blog with a description of how the pay it forward works. You need to try and get three people to respond and sign up under you. When they sign up you then have 356 day to make them a homemade give and send it to them. Then the people who signed up under you then do the same thing. I hope that all made sence!

Tiff said...

Hey you!! I miss you!!!

I would love to do the pay it forward! Please sign me up. What a neat idea.

I hope that you are all doing well. I can't believe that Ryan is 4!! We are getting old!! LOL! Email me or give me a call sometime. Love ya!